German Love

Liebster: a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

I stole that introduction from Amber’s blog, the usual bliss and to be honest, I didn’t even research if it is true, I just took her word for it! I wasn’t going to question someone who was nominating me for an award!!!


I have to admit it is super fun being nominated for an award but it is even better when the nomination comes from a blogger such as she. Her blog was probably the first one I became addicted too and if you check it out I’m sure you’ll quickly see why! It is a very open & welcoming blog – it definitely suits the title because everything about it is blissful! From the breathtaking photos of her surroundings/adventures to her puppy’s crooked ear, and of course her mouthwatering recipes (this is probably my favourite!) – Amber is able to see & share the bliss in every day. The catch line on this award, to inspire and to be inspired” most definitely describes the usual bliss.  Through her writing she is able to motivate me to find the bliss in my life. To quote Amber,

The Usual Bliss is about finding happiness in all things, every part of life. Being content with whatever is happening around me. Keeping a healthy, positive perspective- even when things aren’t ideal.”

She shares herself with the blogosphere and inspires others to share the love and seek the beauty in each day. Having an award nomination come from such a highly respected blog (and slightly addicted to it!!) really means a lot to me! So thanks Amber 🙂

And now to take care of business…

As usual, there are procedures involved in these awards! I believe I’ve already taken care of addressing who nominated me so now I will move on to the nitty gritty, the personal questions! To make things easier for me I will just answer the same questions Amber answered in her award recipient post:

1) Favorite book? What did you learn from that book? This is so tough because I LOVE to read and have read/enjoyed a LOT of books. But when thinking about the second part of this question I immediately remember one particular book that opened my mind to a whole new perspective. When I read A Handful of Time by Kit Pearson I was blown away. I never, ever, EVER would have imagined I would enjoy a book about time travel. Not only that but I would have never even started a book had I of known it was about time travel! I was fairly young when I read this book but I instantly fell in love with it and couldn’t pull my nose out of it! It opened my mind and my imagination. I learned to never judge someone by their present and that there is always a story that brought them to where they are. I went on to read all of Kit Pearson’s books – and often journey into the young adult section of the library to read her newer releases!

2) If you get nervous when you talk to someone, what do you do? This one is simple: I ramble about my kids.

3) What do you do in your spare time? Spare time? I don’t comprehend….. 😉 IF there is time to spare between kids & school & life I am almost always doing something active! I used to do a lot of running but lately I’ve been on a kayaking kick! Actually scratch all that, when there is time to spare – and without kids – I am always sleeping in!!! And I never feel guilty about it!! 

4) Give a goal you would like to achieve within the next year. To be able to consistently wake up at 6am during the week and of course to have 6 pack abs 🙂 Considering my love for sleeping in and cookies both are highly unlikely but that wasn’t the question!

5)  If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Not a clue but I do know that it would be near loved ones! We recently moved and it is close to a 2 hour drive to get to anyone we care about and that is no fun at all!

6) What is your favorite blog post that you’ve written?  Ribs 🙂 because when I re-read it not only does it make my mouth water but takes me right back to the exact moment it was written. I can almost taste them again…drool…

7) If you were going to call something your personal “Golden Rule”, what would it be? Act the way you want your children to act, talk the way you want to hear them speak, be the person you want your children to grow up to be.

8) What is your go-to comfort food? Cookies. Or ice cream. OR both. But definitely coffee 🙂

9) What is the one thing with which you struggle? Ha, just one?! I don’t think you’ve got enough time nor the attention span for this one which leads me to conclude that I am far too hard on myself. I over analyze and harshly critique myself constantly and have yet to reach my far too high of standards for myself. It is an exhausting battle to say the least.

10) What is your favorite place? I love the library. So many books, so many opportunities! Not much compares to being in the mountains – to feel so small & insignificant but yet empowered at the same time. Of course I should also list my bed as a favourite place – it’s a king size that I share with no one and I’m barely 5 feet tall!

11) If you could have a superpower, which would you want? Super strength, be able to fly, be invisible, you know, the usual! But actually I’d say to have the ability to be content with my life. To not want for more or need for anything. To just be happy, plain & simple.

Now to share the love and pass this award onto others….this is probably the hardest part! I follow many great blogs – too many to even keep up to some days! But to stick with the rules I’ll stick to just 5:

One Twenty Five (the first blog I ever followed and have never been let down!)
100DaysofRealFood– my idol! Thanks to her my kids & I eat so much less factory processed food products and more REAL food!
The Best Life – ALWAYS entertaining and another of those great inspiring people who seeks happiness & joy in all that she does!
I Made A Human, Now What?– a fairly new follow for me but I enjoy reading this one so much I think every parent should read it! *Non-parents too!!*
Pleasant Post-Its – always great for a pick-me-up & makes me smile!

Oh, and one other thing you might not have known about me, my name is Sarah

Happy trails folks 🙂

8 thoughts on “German Love

  1. Thank you for such sweet words! Wow! It makes me feel so happy that you are somehow inspired in a good way from what I write. Confession: I totally didn’t research to see if the definition of Liebster was correct or not, either! I just loved it though!

  2. Hello? Is the talented and smart person who writes this blog ok?

    Anyone home?

    ET phone home.


    Write a message please…..Anything…just write, “hello, I am alive.” on your blog…


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