
Words are beautiful. And sometimes, when strung together in just the right way, they can be mesmerizing. Reading is something I’ve missed since going back to school. Sure, I read a lot but not the leisurely reading I’d like to do. Textbooks can be interesting at times but there is nothing comparable to being completely immersed into a story (fiction or non) and living it through the text. I’ve read some amazing books to date and I’ve compiled a, “To Read” list filled with books I intend on one day reading.

I’ve always wanted to join a reading club partly because just being in a club is fun in its own but also because I like to analyze the books I read. I generally read the books my mother reads(because she buys them and then passes them along!)and then we can talk about them together. We don’t exactly share taste in books though. I’m not completely against any specific genre but I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi or medical based stories. However, I never judge a book by its cover – or its genre!

I hope to pass along my love for the written word to my children. So far so good! Going to the library is one of our favourite activities. At my daughter’s age it is fascinating to be able to read. She has become quite the little reader and is venturing into the easy level chapter books. My son, although unable to read himself, could sit and listen to stories for hours. We once sat and read half of C.S. Lewis’s “The Magician’s Nephew” on a quiet Saturday morning. He also enjoys the recorded versions of his favourite stories. We’ve started to listen to audio books during our long every-other-weekend-go-visit-Dad drives. It is a way for them to use their imaginations and picture the story as we hear it. Another benefit: since we started working away at the Chronicles of Narnia they’ve both begun using interesting language. For example: things aren’t just “cool” anymore they are “remarkable” and going to Tim Hortons “would be delightful!” Thank you C.S. Lewis 🙂

One day I will tackle this list. And until the day I finally get to reading, please feel free to make suggestions based on what you’ve read and Happy Reading to you 🙂

My “To Read” List:

  1. Still Alice – Lisa Genova
  2. Life of Pi – Yann Martel
  3. The Book of Negroes – Lawrence Hill
    *started but have yet to finish!
  4. Half Broke Horses – Jeannette Walls
  5. Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert
    *UPDATE* Read it once and enjoyed the simple, easy read. Read it a second time after having it torn apart by one of my Sociology profs, and saw it in an eniterly new light (re: I hate it now) 
  6. The entire Anne of Green Gables collection
    *hope to read these ones with my daughter!
    *UPDATE* Read the original with my kids! Never thought it would be a great bed time story for such young kids (7 & 4) but they loved it! 
  7. Anything by Nicholas Sparks 
    *Finally made this happen – and after reading one, it quickly turned into two! 
  8. Tuesdays With Morrie Mitch Albom
    *UPDATE* Loved everything about it book! Wished it would go on longer but then realized it had all it needed. 
  9. Born to Run – Christopher McDougall
  10. Clara Callan – Richard Wright
    *great Canadian author. I also started this but didn’t finish it before it was due back to the library!
  11. Bringing Up Bebe
    – thanks Feisty Red Hair for reminding me of this one!! I was first introduced to the book by CBC radio which did a piece on it but forgot to write it down and therefore forgot I wanted to read it!
  12. Wheat Belly
  13. In Defense of Food

4 thoughts on “Read-ables

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