Versatile Blogger Award

So, I was nominated for this award way back on June 9!!!! I know, I’m a little behind BUT better late than never right? Right! First of all this is my first award! I was/still am very excited about it! I’m fairly new to the whole blogging scene and really just do it for my own personal fun reasons (mainly because I can’t sleep at night and can’t fathom the thought of more studying but still can’t sleep…) I don’t do it for recognition or to be ‘awarded’ – but getting new followers, reading people’s comments, getting this award all feels good just the same.

So here’s what I understand to be the rules:

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy!
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell 7 things about yourself

As per my instructions, Coffeepoweredmom was the one who nominated me! She is pretty awesome when it comes to blogs! Light, fresh, funny, always posting fun interactive challenges like her photo challenges that I’ve yet to submit a photo to (sorry!) but YOU should submit a photo and I’ll vote for it! Anyway, she is great and a big thank you to her for taking the time to follow me, read my ramblings, and nominate me!

Here is where it gets a little tricky….to nominate 15 other blogs/bloggers….most of the bloggers I would like to nominate have already been nominated by other people (like coffeepoweredmom!!). I apologize if you’ve already been nominated! Just take it as an extra compliment and know that you and your blog are appreciated ever so much!!

Here are the blogs that I would nominate because maybe I get a little giddy when they have a new post….just a little

  1.  Feisty Red Hair  – she satisfies my craving for thinking and quality writing/reading as well as the recipes!! 
  2. My Year In Pins – because I absolutely LOVE her idea! 
  3. 81dayswontlastforever – because these girls are adorable and I wish I was like them when I was a teen! 
  4. 52 Brand New – again because I love the idea and have so much respect for people who live life this way! 
  5. Then there is the 100 Day Real Food Challenge which taps into my passion for REAL food and supports my ideas about raising children!
    **FYI – I believe July 1st is the start of my own food challenge but I’ll keep you posted via my blog!**
  6. Along the same lines as the one above is The Soulsby Farm if you haven’t checked them out please do! It is just amazing what they are doing! 
  7. The Usual Bliss takes simple day to day goings ons and makes them a thing of beauty through her photographs – and also if you’ve any interest in food – follow her! 

So I know the instructions said to nominate 15 blogs and tell 7 things about yourself  BUT never one to follow the rules, I’m flipping these around. So there were 7 nominations and here are 15 tid bits about me that you may –or may not– want to know:

  1. I love the Counting Crows *and I’ve seen them 3 times in concert including just last week! 
  2. I obsessively colour coordinate my calendars until they are a thing of beauty. Someone remind me and I’ll post a photo of one some time, seriously they are gorgeous! And functional! 
  3. I tried my first dill pickle ever last month. *My mother never made me eat or try anything I didn’t want to and so I didn’t! Oh and, I didn’t like the pickle! 
  4. I wrote a handful of children’s books when I was younger but never showed anyone. My kids love them now!
  5. I love the Hamilton Tiger Cats and the Canadian Football League in general.
  6. I love live music, concerts, festivals, etc. My first concert was AC DC in Detroit when I was 12 and I’ve been hooked on live performances ever since!
  7. I over plan my life to the max. Looking at my calendar right now I’ve got every weekend booked until August. I want to do everything but end up doing so much I don’t enjoy anything. I’m learning to say no and moderate myself but it is a constant struggle!
  8. I had blonde hair my entire life and last year dyed it very dark – almost black! With some blond streaks throughout. I’ve been called a skunk but I love it! 
  9. I am a single mother – with a boyfriend. Figure that one out 🙂
  10. I used to do competitive dancing when I was younger. Irish dancing to be exact. It was intense and although I enjoyed it, I don’t wish for my kids to be in highly competitive sports as I was. 
  11. I am 25 years. I don’t wish to be younger or older but I often forget and get it wrong. Luckily my boyfriend is the same age as me and can remind me whenever need be. *Last week I wrote 23 on an application form, oops! 
  12. I drive a Toyota Matrix and I LOVE it! 
  13. I hate television and do not subscribe to any form of it. I don’t even know when I would have time to watch TV because as I mentioned in #7, my time is booked solid! It is today’s programming I can’t stand (reality tv!!!!), I used to love The Road to Avonlea, Little House on the Prairie, The Waltons, Gilmore Girls, and Corner Gas!
  14. I was a high school drop out – but I finished via independent study courses shortly before I graduated from college. I am now in University because I like to do it all!
  15. I’m realizing now, I’m really not very interesting….Simple Sarah – oh yah, my real name is Sarah 🙂 

And there you go folks! Check out the awesome bloggers I highlighted – they entertain me and I’m sure they would you as well!

  Happy Trails and as I like to say,

Don’t just have a good day, MAKE it a good day!