Couldn’t have said it better myself!

I Made A Human, Now What?

I would like to take a minute to dispel some myths about children.

They were not born to irritate you.  Babies don’t manipulate.  You can’t spoil a child by paying attention to them.  Kids NEVER listen the first time.  They are not these little balls of clay to be molded into perfect people.  Perfection is an unattainable goal.  When you look at your child and think “I would have NEVER spoken to my mom that way,” it is a lie.  You did.  You just don’t remember because it the intention was different coming out of your mouth when you were a child.

When you babysit someone else’s child, teach a classroom, play with your nieces or nephews they behave in a completely different way than they do with their parents.  Maybe they didn’t feel safe with you.  Just like when you are with your best friends verses your acquaintances- only…

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